Lifelong Learning Programmes

ITU Continuing Education Center


In 2022, ITU Continuing Education Center (SEM) provided a total of 265 community educational events within 41 public programs on professional development, art and foreign language education that are open to general public. A total of 7496 people not affiliated with our university attended these lectures and events. The number of programmed professional development events and their participants increased considerably, by means of our widespread online learning education approach. New education and certificate programs are planned and developed based on needs or incoming requests. Here is the list of 2022 events:

For more information: http://itusem.itu.edu.tr/egitimler-ve-programlar

Vocational Training Events

BIM - Building Information Modeling Expert Certificate Program

Big Data and Business Analytics Expertise Certificate Program

Business Analysis Expertise Certificate Program

Compliance Management Certificate Program

Contract and Claims Management in the Construction Sector

Data Science Expertise Certificate Program

Design and Strengthening of Pre-stressed Reinforced Concrete Buildings Certificate Program

Design Workshop

Digital Marketing Expertise Certificate Program

Digital Transformation Certificate Program

E-commerce Training Program

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Certificate Program

Facade Systems Expertise Certificate Program

Fundamental Sustainable Development Program

Green Building and Sustainable Site Training Program

Human Resources

Lean and Agile Project Management

Lean Production and Process Expertise Certificate Program

Manager Development Certificate Program

Micro MBA Certificate Program

Mini MBA Certificate Program

Portfolio for Fashion Design Programs

Project Management (Ministry of Industry)

Project Management Training Certificate Program

Quality Management

R&D and Design Center Expertise Certificate Program

R&D Technology and Innovation Management

Real Estate Development Expertise Certificate Program

Social Media Expertise

Sustainability Management Certificate Program

Sustainable Development Certificate Program

Art and Language Programmes

General English Course

TOEFL Course

IELTS Course

YDS (Foreign Language Exam) Course

English Proficiency Exam Preparation Course

Ballet Training

Instrument Courses

Basic Music Course