Istanbul Technical University (ITU) aimed to make sustainability an important part of its corporate identity by declaring 2023, the 250th anniversary of its establishment, the “Year of Sustainability”. Recently concentrating its efforts on this, ITU achieved a significant success with the result it achieved in THE 2023 Impact Rankings and managed to enter the top ten worldwide under two headings.
ITU has made significant progress under many headings in 2023 Impact Ranking Sustainable Development Goals of the Times Higher Education (THE), one of the world’s prestigious academic ranking institutions. Regarding this success achieved by ITU, our Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu thanked all ITU members who contributed to this proud achievement by saying, “This success achieved by ITU in its 250th year is an indication that our university will continue to play a pioneering role all over the world in the future.”
ITU is in top 10 worldwide under two headings
According to the results of THE 2023 Impact Rankings, ITU achieved an outstanding success by making a great progress from its 73rd place last year to 9th place worldwide under the “Decent Work and Economic Growth” heading. The rise in this heading, which emphasizes sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, also emphasizes the strong impact ITU creates for its employees and graduates.
ITU’s great success was not limited to this: According to the results of THE 2023 Impact Rankings, ITU rose eight places in the “Quality Education” heading compared to last year and ranked 10th worldwide this year. The success achieved in this heading, which is related to promoting lifelong learning opportunities and ensuring inclusive and equitable education for all, once again drew attention to ITU’s prestigious position in the academic field in our country and in the world.
ITU also ranked 23rd worldwide in the goal titled “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”. It is aimed to continue ITU’s rise in this field with studies to be carried out in areas such as university-industry collaborations, MasterBee program and 1773 ITU Technopark.
A university in harmony with nature: ITU
Having achieved many successes with the theme of sustainability in 2023, Istanbul Technical University made a great progress from the 101-200 range it was in last year in the goal titled “Sustainable Cities and Communities” and rose to 40th place this year. In the “Clean Water and Sanitation” heading, ITU, which was in the 99th place in 2022, moved up 67 steps in 2023 and rose to the 32nd place. Leading many sustainability-themed projects such as rainwater harvesting, ITU once again demonstrates with this rise that it has a strong technical infrastructure against environmental problems of the future.
ITU also rose to 79th place in 2023 under the “Life below Water” heading, where it was in the 101-200 range in 2022, while it rose to 95th place this year in the “Affordable and Clean Energy” heading, where it was in the 101-200 range last year. Thus, an achievement that makes all ITU members proud was obtained in the development of environmental awareness.
An accessible and egalitarian university that prioritizes students
While ITU climbed from the 201-300 range to the 101-200 range compared to the previous year under the “No Poverty” heading, the first of the sustainable development goals, it achieved a great success by rising to the 75th place from the 201-300 range it was in last year under the “Zero Hunger” heading, the second goal.
ITU also rose from the 201-300 range to the 101-200 range compared to the previous year under the “Reduced Inequalities” heading, and rose from the 301-400 range to the 201-300 range compared to the previous year under the “Gender Equality” heading. Istanbul Technical University has demonstrated that it has become stronger with its efforts towards gender equality and principles such as barrier-free campus.
ITU revitalizes global partnership for sustainability
ITU rose from the 301-400 range to the 201-300 range under the “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” heading. This heading, which takes into account effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, underlines ITU’s reputable institutional structure.
In the ranking for the goal titled “Partnerships for the Goals”, ITU ranked 96th worldwide with a big jump from the 201-300 range. Effectively using the tools and methods used in the implementation of sustainable principles, ITU has thus demonstrated the important role it plays in mobilizing global motivation.
While Istanbul Technical University entered the top ten worldwide in two fields according to THE 2023 Impact Ranking, which covers the Sustainable Development Goals, it once again proved that it is among the most prestigious universities in the world, ranking 58th in the general ranking covering all fields.
About UN Sustainable Development Goals
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development involve objectives in the fundamental areas. These goals are no poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; life on land; peace, justice and strong institutions; partnerships for the goals.
UN aims to make significant progress in these goals by 2030. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) supports governments to integrate the 17 goals into their own development plans and policies.