Events and Outreach Activities for Supporting Land and Aquatic EcoSystems
ITU for a Sustainable World
ITU as a body organizes several events to raise awareness on sustainability, biodiversity and its conservation. The “Sustainable World” event held by ITU on 22 April Earth Day included speeches and presentations on sustainability with various perspectives. The event continued with a tour around the ITU Pond to celebrate and raise awareness on land and aquatic ecosystems. The program also included a waste-collection activity to promote environmental sustainability.
Please see the following link for more details:

Events for the International Day for Biological Diversity and World Bee Day
ITU also organizes several events as a part of 2022 World Bee Day and the International Day for Biological Diversity. A workshop on sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals was held by ITU Sustainability Office. To raise awareness on biodiversity loss, the rectorate, faculty members and students toured the natural areas in the campus. Also, ITU Biodiversity, Conservation of Ecosystems and Sustainable Use Commission organized a bioblitz event in which volunteers together with experts record and identify species living on campus.

Please visit the following link for more details:
World Water Day
ITU organizes events for the sustainability of water resources and water ecosystems. The World Water Day - The Future of Water Program was held by ITU in order to draw attention to the water crisis and the importance of sustainable use of water and to encourage the protection of freshwater resources

Please visit the following links for more details:
Sustainable Ecosystems Days
ITU Environmental Engineering Student Club organizes “Sustainable Ecosystem Days” every year since 2009. It is an organization that brings together environmental and ecosystem representatives, academicians, and students from the public and private sectors. Several seminars regarding ecosystems and environmental sustainability are conducted for two days within the organization.

Please visit the following link for more i̇nformation:
SEG-2023 :
Istanbul Ecosystems Workshop
ITU has participated in the "Istanbul Ecosystems Workshop" held by Istanbul Municipality, with its four academicians in four workgroups. Closing meetings of the workshop are streamed online, open to the public, and can be accessed on the municipality's YouTube channel. In the workshop, ITU academicians recommended the new sustainable policies, the importance of wetland placements (such as ITU Pond), and how they can enrich a region’s biodiversity despite increasing urbanization.
Educational Outreach Activities
ITU as a body conducts several educational outreach activities to raise awareness about fishing practices. ITU Environmental Engineering Club has a public website called Ekolojika, where academicians and students release content regarding sustainable solutions to environmental and ecological problems in our world and environmentalist designs to a wider audience since 2013.
Please see the links for details:
ITU publishes articles about environment, ecology, biodiversity and sustainability to offer educational outreach. An exemplary article is about fishing practices and sustainable fishing farms, titled as “Solar-Powered Floating Farms”.
ITU Continuing Education Center provides education on the Sustainable Development Certificate Program which covers life below water and threats of biodiversity including overfishing. The program is open to the public.
Please see the link for details:
Maritime Magazine
Maritime Magazine is a joint publication of İTÜ DEFAMED, TURKKAPDER, TMMOB GEMIMO and TKKD. The magazine includes up-to-date information and news on fisheries and helps raising awareness about overfishing and destructive fishing practices. Please read the magazine in the link:
Children’s Magazine
The ITU Environmental Engineering Club aims to inform and raise awareness among primary and secondary school children about water and environmental awareness. The club has a social responsibility project called Tears of Water (in Turkish Suyun Gözyaşları). The project published a children's magazine called “Havadan Sudan” on children’s day in April 2021.
Please read the magazine in the link:
ITU Journal of Environment, Climate and Sustainability
ITU Press publishes books, journals and reports on several topics including environmental sciences, earth system sciences and sustainability. ITU Journal of Environment, Climate and Sustainability has published several issues on water resources, water quality, pollution, and marine sciences since 2005. The content of the journal expanded to cover the topics of climate and environmental sustainability in 2021.
Please see the following links for details: