1.3.1 Bottom financial quintile admission target

Student selections and placements for higher education in Turkey have been conducted by the Centre for Assessment, Selection, and Placement (ÖSYM), which is affiliated with the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), since 1981 under Law No. 2547. Consequently, students are ranked based on their scores in a centralized exam, and individual universities do not have the discretion to target specific students for admissions. Minimum scores for each university depend on student quotas, which are also determined by the Council of Higher Education.

Students who gain admission to Istanbul Technical University are exempted from the obligation of paying annual tuition fees. This exemption is a result of the Republic of Turkey’s comprehensive strategy to uphold the fundamental right to education. By absorbing the financial burden of tuition, the University manifests its commitment to democratizing access to higher education and fostering an inclusive learning environment. This policy is particularly instrumental in mitigating the financial constraints that often impede students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds from accessing quality education.                                                                             

History of Council of Higher EducationRegulation for University PlacementHigher Education Law


ITU also has 14 Dual Degree Diploma Programs (DDP) which offer an international environment to make the graduates more competitive in their future career. Although these programmes are subject to a tuition fee, several scholarships are provided depend on their success in University Entrance Exam:

Dual Degree Programs