At ITU, we are dedicated to ensuring inclusive and equitable access to quality education for all. In alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 4.3.1, we strive to offer flexible and free educational opportunities beyond our campus, catering to individuals who are not enrolled at the university. Through open access to our libraries, online courses, research databases, and digital resources, we provide a wealth of learning tools to support lifelong learning and academic advancement. By fostering knowledge sharing and removing barriers to education, we aim to contribute to a more educated, empowered, and inclusive global community.
Open Access Courses @ITU

ITU's Open Courseware initiative is a forward-looking program aimed at making high-quality educational resources freely accessible to learners worldwide. By providing open access to a diverse range of courses and educational materials, ITU strives to promote lifelong learning, foster global knowledge sharing, and support the pursuit of academic and professional growth. ITU offer a diverse range of online courses and provide free access to lectures through ITU AKE (Open Source Education) YouTube Channel.

ITU’s inhouse course system NINOVA has also open courses for everyone to join.

For those interested in exploring ITU's 25 Engineering Undergraduate Programs accredited by the ABET EAC (, ITU offers 'LABs-facilities virtual tour VIDEOS.' These videos include narrated (in English) lab tours, lab safety procedures, and more. Anyone can find 123 videos on one of ITU's dedicated YouTube channels, all of which are publicly accessible through ITU’s open-access YouTube PLAYLIST link.
Open Access Trainings @ITU
No-Code Application Development Training by ITU GINOVA

During this training, participants explored comprehensive solutions for managing the digital transformation process of businesses in today’s competitive digital landscape, covering mobile applications, microsites, and payment infrastructure. Following the training, participants received mentorship support for two weeks to help develop their projects. A total of 30 ITU associates attended the training, along with 5 attendees from outside ITU.
Easyapp Uygulama Geliştirme Eğitimi – Ginova (
KickStarter for Entrepreneurs by ITU GINOVA

ITU GINOVA organized an event titled "KickStarter for Entrepreneurs," which has been uploaded to YouTube for everyone’s access. The number of participants from ITU was 105, while 19 attendees joined from outside the university.
Girişimciler için Kickstarter - YouTube
Coding Future by ITU GINOVA

ITU GINOVA organized an event titled "Blockchain and NFTs" featuring Hakan Kesler, inviting blockchain and NFT enthusiasts to discuss the future of these technologies. The event addressed the transformative impact of blockchain and NFTs on digital assets, including art, gaming, and real estate. Participants had the opportunity to engage with speakers who answered questions about the effects, opportunities, and risks associated with these technologies. The event attracted 105 participants from ITU and 19 attendees from outside the university.
Web 3.0 ve NFT teknolojisi ile geleceği yazmak – Ginova (
SCRUM training for Entrepreneurs by ITU GINOVA

ITU GINOVA recently organized "SCRUM Training for Entrepreneurs," which successfully attracted 276 participants from ITU and 26 attendees from outside the university. This training aimed to equip entrepreneurs with the essential skills and knowledge needed to implement SCRUM methodologies effectively in their projects.
Project Management Training by ITU Center for Excellence in Education
The Istanbul Technical University Center for Excellence in Education (ITU MEM) aims to enhance the quality of education and training through innovative programs and initiatives. It focuses on fostering academic excellence by offering workshops, seminars, and courses that empower students and professionals in various fields.

The Project Management Training organized by Istanbul Technical University’s Center for Excellence in Education (ITU MEM) in collaboration with the Project Management Institute (PMI) Turkey began on April 18. Led by volunteer project managers from PMI Turkey, the training sessions were open to all ITU students and graduates. Participants who attended at least 80% of the sessions received a participation certificate for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) training. Additionally, students who completed the entire program and requested it had 1 ECTS credit reflected in their diploma supplements as part of extracurricular activities (microcredit). The training took place online via Zoom from April 18 to May 31, 2023, consisting of eight sessions held from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM and avaliable online for everyone (
Free Access for Lifelong Learners @ ITU Libraries
The ITU Library System aims to provide the necessary information for the educational, teaching, and research activities carried out at ITU in a fast, effective, and efficient manner, utilizing modern resources and systems. Organized at 5 campuses and 8 locations, the ITU Library System actively serves as a vital "stakeholder" in the educational, teaching, and research activities conducted at ITU through contemporary library services. ITU Libraries possess a rich collection of information and documents, including over 1 million publications, with 590219 e-books, 96,978 e-journals, 42,596 visual materials, 6,000 rare works, 7,500 maps, over 200 databases, and 5 million electronic theses.

Under the umbrella of the Library and Documentation Directorate, there is a central library, the "Mustafa İnan Library (open 24/7)," and 7 branch libraries. (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ragıp Berker Library, Center for Advanced Studies in Music Library, Faculty of Architecture Library, Faculty of Maritime Affairs Library, Faculty of Management Library, School of Foreign Languages Library, Conservatory Library).

Our graduates enjoy lifelong free access to our libraries and computers. Additionally, students and academics from other universities can access our educational resources with daily entrance passes or yearly guest memberships. In 2023, 190 students and academics from other universities utilized our library resources, which gives free access through campus facilities and equipment.
Online Resources
Moreover, we facilitate resource sharing through our free Inter Library Loan system, with 121 resources/publications shared with other libraries and academicians, which gives free access through campus facilities.
All of our Master's and PhD theses are accessible to the public at no cost through. In 2023, our dissertations were accessed 2,118,190 times.