EPDK, ELDER and ITU Arı teknokent joined forces for energy sector initiatives. The 2022 application process for the "You Are My Energy Acceleration Programme", which aims to support initiatives that develop projects for the energy sector in cooperation with ITU ARI Teknokent, under the coordination of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) and the Electricity Distribution Services Association (Elder), has started. Energy startups that include innovations that will shape the energy sector with new approaches in sustainable energy supply security, technological transformation in the electricity sector, energy efficiency, energy infrastructures, consumer satisfaction and similar fields can apply to the acceleration program until August 14, 2022

What Awaits Entrepreneurs in the Program?
With the İTÜ Çekirdek “You Are My Energy Acceleration Program”, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to introduce their innovative business ideas to the electricity distribution sector. The startups selected within the scope of the program include training and seminars aimed at commercializing the startup at ITU Çekirdek; More than 500 mentors who are experts in their fields, from marketing to finance, from sales to human resources, will be able to benefit from the R&D fund and laboratory infrastructure to develop selected prototypes. In addition, they will have the opportunity to benefit from various advantages and supports such as meeting with potential customers, accessing national and international connections, participating in global fairs, events and acceleration programs, and investment opportunities.
The 2022 target of AlgbIo A.Ş., which carries out biofuel and bioplastic production activities by purifying the wastes of different industries, especially energy, in Turkey; Transforming Turkey's industry into a green economy by increasing the number of customers in different industries.
ALGBIO A.Ş., which is among the initiatives of ITU Çekirdek, the incubation center of ITU ARI Teknokent; operates in the treatment and renewable energy sector. It is noteworthy that in the renewable energy sector, with the regulations in the United Nations' Renewable Energy Directive II, the market for advanced biofuels such as algal biofuel will increase by 3.5 percent by 2030. This reveals that any type of energy that cannot capture carbon is not sustainable in the future. ALGBIO Inc. was established to comply with these regulations in the sector, to direct a more sustainable future, and to provide solutions to the inefficient treatment problem and mucilage problem of industrial facilities.

ALGBIO Inc. Founder Selen Şenal; They emphasize that their most important mission is to make the circular economy model operational by making the industrial sector adopt a carbon negative production approach by 2050. In this context, for the first time in the Turkish market, university-industry cooperation was established on an industrial scale on algal treatment, and high-tech and efficient waste treatment was implemented. Şenal summarizes this process as follows: "Biological treatment is generally carried out with bacteria in the industry. ALGBIO A.Ş. carries out this process with algae and removes up to 99 percent of BOI5, COD, TN and P. As a result, it produces bioenergy from the biomass it obtains." We purify the industrial/domestic/sewage wastewater and flue gases of the industry with microalgae and produce biofuel and bioplastic from these wastes. Our main target audience is the entire production and industrial sector that produces waste. In this context, we purify the wastes of different industries, especially energy, in Turkey. "We are carrying out our biofuel and bioplastic production activities."
ALGBIO A.Ş. has been deemed worthy of different awards both in the national and global arenas for its treatment and energy solutions. BASE. It was selected as the 'Science and Technology Innovation' of 2021 by the Department of State, Turkey's 'SDG 14 Life Below Water' representative by the United Nations, 'Entrepreneurship Creating Social Impact Globally' by the Entrepreneur Organization, and 'High Technology Developer' by Hello Tomorrow. In Turkey, it became the 'Best Energy Start-Up' of 2021 by the Turkish Exporters Association and the second of the 'You Are My Energy Program' organized by EMRA.

She comments on the basic methodology of ALGBIO A.Ş. as follows: "We wish to operate at the lower level of at least 10 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The three most fundamental of these are climate action, underwater life and terrestrial life... In this context, we cooperate with organizations that provide waste entering the oceans in order to protect our oceans. We ensure the reuse of these wastes within the facility instead of being discharged into our oceans, thus aiming to provide carbon credits in Life Cycle Assesments. We have a 5-ton treatment capacity in Istanbul. Our on-site integration practices into the industry continue. By collaborating with different industries, we purify their waste water and flue gases in their own facilities and return them to the facility as clean water and energy as reusable irrigation water, siphon water, washing water, etc. Minimum 10 cubic meters. We can provide volumes of up to 50, 100, 200 and 500 cubic meters. The volume of carbon capture and biofuel depends on the wastewater capacity of the industrialist's facility... It captures 2.7 tons of carbon per day per 4 decares of algal treatment land, so that it does not cause mucilage in the waste water of the facility. "We purify efficiently and produce energy by reducing your carbon footprint."
EPDK and ELDER support initiatives that develop projects for the energy sector in cooperation with İTÜ ARI Teknokent.
In the demo day of the 'My Energy You Are Acceleration Program', which aims to support initiatives that develop projects in the energy sector in cooperation with EMRA and ELDER and İTÜ ARI Teknokent, the TAYKO battery project, which came first, was awarded 300 thousand TL, the NuManufacturing project, which came second, was awarded 200 thousand TL, and the Werower project, which was third, was awarded 100 thousand TL.