HASAT (HARVEST) - Energy Efficiency in General Lighting Business Package Project (Phase 2)
The HASAT (HARVEST) project, the foundations of which were laid within the framework of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, was initiated with the aim of determining the methodologies for more efficient and effective use of electrical energy
at every point, increasing energy efficiency in the Electricity Distribution Sector and creating an energy efficiency roadmap. In the "Energy Efficiency in General Lighting" work package of the "Harvest of Energy Efficiency in the Electricity
Distribution Sector Phase-2 Project" supported by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), ADM, AKEDAŞ, ÇAMLIBEL, ÇORUH, DICLE, MERAM, YEŞİLIRMAK Electricity Distribution Companies defined as a project partner and the coordinator
of the project has been defined as Electricity Distribution Services Association (ELDER). This project is carried out under the consultancy of Istanbul Technical University Energy Institute Faculty Members, Prof. Dr. Sermin Onaygil, Prof. Dr.
Önder Güler, Dr. Lecturer M. Berker Yurtseven. The aim of the project is to ensure that project partner Electricity Distribution Companies have knowledge, experience, and equipment on the design, performance, and possible effects of
LED road lighting, which will be implemented with pilot project installations in 2021, according to the legislation in force in Turkey; determining the necessary control installation equipment and strategies for road lighting automation applications
that are missing in the current legislation or requiring changes, with pilot field applications, evaluating the results throughout the country and creating the legislation proposal document.
The subject and purpose of the project are to ensure that the project partner (Electricity Distribution Companies) has the knowledge, experience, and equipment in design, performance, and possible effects of LED road lighting, which will be implemented
with pilot project installations in 2021. According to the legislation in effect in Turkey, determining the necessary control installation equipment and strategies for road lighting automation applications, which are currently missing in the legislation,
with pilot field applications; evaluation of the results obtained throughout the country and the creation of a legislative proposal document. The project's main objective is to propose an "ideal smart road lighting system model" that can be used
on urban roads all over Turkey.
ITU Energy Institute - National Nuclear Research University Workshops
Hosted by the Energy Institute, workshops on various subjects on nuclear energy and radiation sciences are held twice a year by the faculty members of the Russian Federation National Nuclear Research University (MEPhI).
The seventh and last workshop, chaired by Asst. Prof. Dr. Senem ŞENTÜRK Lüle, was held online in February with the participation of academics and students from various universities in Russia and Turkey on VVER technologies, the nuclear reactor
type water-cooled pressurized reactor built in Akkuyu took place.
Thanks to the bridge established through a workshop with MEPhl and Saint Petersburg and Kurthocov Institute in Russia, graduate and doctoral students of our institute will be able to benefit from Saint-Petersburg University Erasmus+ K-107 program and
exchange program in radiation and nuclear energy engineering.

URL: https://enerji.itu.edu.tr/haberdetay/2022/01/16/d%c3%bczenlenen-%c3%a7al%c4%b1%c5%9ftaylar-ve-konferanslar-hakk%c4%b1nda
Development of Technology Infrastructures of Turkish Electricity Transmission Networks Project
TEIAŞ, the national electricity system operator of Turkey, carries out the activities of planning, establishment, operation, maintenance, and repair of new electricity transmission facilities, as well as the operation of the balancing power market and ancillary services market, in order for the system to operate with the highest efficiency.
This project aims to provide the necessary academic and scientific support while TEİAŞ fulfills the function mentioned earlier. For the intelligent electricity transmission systems of the future, the institution should primarily focus on the following;
- Power System Modernization (Asset Management, Optimum Grid Planning, New Hardware and Materials, HVDC, Efficiency)
- Power System Stability and Security (System Traceability and Controllability, Intelligent Systems, Advanced Utilities, Power Quality)
- Power System Flexibility (Use of Storage Technologies, Renewable Integration, Demand Forecasting, Demand Management, FACTS Technologies)
- Digital Technologies (Smart transmission networks, Big data, IoT, Cyber Security)
To encourage universities and other research institutions to make projects on their subjects, evaluate and revise the applications from the institution's perspective, and develop suggestions for the effective use of international project resources on the subject.
In addition, the project aims to evaluate the work done on behalf of TEİAŞ in the Market and Mechanism Design Project for the Effective Integration of Renewable Energy into the Grid Project and the National SCADA Project, which are still being carried out, and to contribute to the progress of these studies in line with TEİAŞ expectations.
Designing market-based policy mechanisms supporting energy efficiency in Turkey: Energy efficiency obligations and auctions
The primary aim of this study is to develop policy recommendations for infrastructure, design, and implementation, regarding the Energy Efficiency Obligations Schemes and Energy Efficiency Auctions as part of Turkey’s primary energy efficiency policies, which are deemed to contribute substantially to Turkey’s energy transition. Four primary aims set in this context are as follows:
• Aim 1: Reviewing design features and financing mechanisms taken into account during the development of “energy efficiency obligations” and “energy efficiency auctions” in the international arena, with specific reference to electrical energy industry.
• Aim 2: Identifying the key factors, design features, and financing mechanisms regarding the implementation of “energy efficiency obligations” and “energy efficiency auctions” in Turkey.
• Aim 3: Developing policy proposals and creating a road map for “energy efficiency obligations” and “energy efficiency auctions”.
• Aim 4: Evaluating synergy potential for implementation of “energy efficiency obligations” and “energy efficiency auctions”
URL: https://shura.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ExSum_Designing-market-based-policy-mechanisms-supporting-energy-efficiency-in-Turkey.pdf
ITU and EPİAŞ Collaboration in Energy Field
09 Apr 2021
Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Energy Markets Management Inc. (EPİAŞ) signed a comprehensive cooperation protocol for education, research, and consultancy.
News: İTÜ Media and Communication Office
With the protocol signed by ITU Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu and Energy Markets Management Inc. General Manager Ahmet Türkoğlu, Energy Markets Research Center (EPAM), which will contribute to the training and specialization of the staff of EPİAŞ and carry out research and development activities on subjects needed by the sector, will be the base of technological and scientific cooperation.
Energy Markets Research Center Will Be the Base of Studies
Istanbul Technical University Energy Institute Director Prof. Dr. İlhan Karaaslan and Director of Strategy Development Avni Çebi on behalf of Energy Markets Management Inc. will be supervising the management of the protocol’s goals and objectives.
Commenting on the protocol, ITU Energy Institute Director Prof. Dr. İlhan Karaaslan said, “The energy sector is indispensible for humanity as transmission, distribution, storage, and consumption are needed by all humans in the rapidly developing world and it closely concerns humanity in all its aspects. As there are many current problems that need to be solved academically in these areas, we also need to identify future problems and work towards their solutions. Similar research centers are established and financed in developed countries by the major companies in the energy sector within the universities of those countries, and theses and projects are carried out and trainings are given in these centers for the problems of today and tomorrow. With the support of our Energy Institute primarily, and the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Science and Letters, and the Faculty of Chemical-Metallurgical Engineering, we will also carry out studies for the solution of today's and tomorrow's problems in these fields.”
Topics of cooperation within the scope of the protocol contain
Establishment of the Energy Markets Research Center, which will work on topics within the scope of Energy Markets, produce solutions to existing problems in the markets, develop products and provide services, train qualified personnel, increase efficiency of the existing personnel, create technologies of the future and increase stability in the energy markets, in accordance with the legislation of the University,
Collaborating on joint scientific (including consultancy, projects, and research), educational (Energy MBA, Energy Micro-MBA, Energy Certificate, and other Certificate programs) and managerial studies under the consultancy of Istanbul Technical University; exchange of ideas for thesis studies to be conducted on various subjects covering the field of Energy in the ongoing graduate programs at the Energy Institute,
Cooperating on research and applications regarding the purpose, product and activity subjects of EPİAŞ specified in the Wholesale Energy Markets and EPİAŞ Articles of Association defined in the Balancing and Settlement Regulation; making research on developing, updating and improving EPİAŞ’s current spot products GÖP and GİP, new futures products VEP and VGP, environmental market product YEK-G and contributing to the processes of developing new products related to the market,
With Energy Markets Management Inc. being the beneficiary institution, preparing and presenting projects in which the personnel deemed appropriate by the beneficiary institution will take part in line with the needs of Energy Markets Management Inc. by benefiting from national and international funds,Organizing joint scientific activities (publication, reporting, workshop, symposium, congress and conference etc.).Cooperation in developing products, applications and providing services for national and international energy markets.