Recruitment From Underrepresented groups
ITU as a body takes necessary actions related to human resources needs, selection, job placement, education, career, performance management, motivation, management of individual and collective labor relations, occupational health and safety, and management
of dismissals and its applications. ITU declares that these actions apply to all members including underrepresented groups. This declaration is given publicly on our website here.
Disabled Students Unit recruits staff from underrepresented groups to better understand the needs of students. It is ensured that the university’s academic staff participate in preparing
accessible materials and counseling for the exam and course applications to be organized by the Disabled Student Unit Coordinator.
Accessible Information Center
The center, which is structured to serve students and staff with special needs within the Istanbul Technical University Library and Documentation Department in cooperation with the Istanbul Technical University Disabled Student Unit Coordinator.
Accessible and Barrier Free Campus
Accessible and Barrier Free Campus Commision is one of the sustainability office commissions. He works with the disabled student unit. He continues his awareness studies within the university. In addition, it carries out studies on orientation, promotion
and integration of disabled people into campus life. https://sustainability.itu.edu.tr/sustainability-office/who-we-are/commission