There is a representative for each department from the research assistants who continue their postgraduate education in the department. Faculty representatives are selected from the research assistant representatives in these departments. In addition, through an election made among faculty representatives, the University Research Assistant Representative is determined. In the management phase, the Faculty Research Assistant Representative has the right to represent in the Faculty Administrative Board, and the University Research Assistant Representative has the right to represent in the ITU Administrative Board. The president of the student council also has representation in the university senate.

For graduate student: https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/TR/mevzuat/arastirma-gorevlileri-kurul-temsil-esaslar.php
For undergraduate student: https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/TR/mevzuat/ogrenci-konsey-yonerge.pdf

Representing the faculties, the dean and a distinguished academic member selected from the faculty, have the right to represent in the senate. The senate of ITU also includes the secretary general as a representative of the non-faculty staff.

For faculty : https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/mevzuat?MevzuatNo=10127&MevzuatTur=7&MevzuatTertip=5

For non –faculty employees: https://www.itu.edu.tr/en/senate