BİGG Program

TÜBİTAK BİGG (Individual Young Entrepreneurship) Program is a grant program that supports the activities of entrepreneurs from the idea stage to the market so that they can implement their technology and innovation-oriented business ideas. Within the scope of the program, 200.000 TL non-refundable grant support is provided by TUBITAK to successful entrepreneurs.
ITU Çekirdek - Incubation Center

Founded in 2011 with the visionary approach of ITU and ARI Teknokent, ITU Çekirdek has supported technological startups in different sectors since its establishment, aiming to make them fast-growing with scalable business models startups.
Big Bang Startup Challenge

Big Bang Startup Challenge is organized by İTÜ Çekirdek, which was established by İTÜ ARI Teknokent to support technology startups and selected as the “World’s Best University Incubation Center” by UBI Global. The Big Bang Startup Challenge brings startups together with the business and investment world. In this way, entrepreneurs become the focus of investors and funds and meet potential customers by meeting with their initial capital.