ITU Sustainability MSc.
Interdisciplinary, 100% English, Sustainability Master Program is starting in the Fall Semester of 2023-24!
Disciplines of Applicants
Graduates from all 4 year engineering undergraduate programs including, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Management Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Control and
Automation Engineering, Meteorological Engineering, Geological Engineering, Computer Engineering; all 4 year architecture undergraduate programs including, Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning; all 4 year Basic Science
and Humanities and Social Sciences undergraduate programs including Biology, Chemistry, Economics can register to the Program.
Requirements for applications includes;
● ITU Graduate Education Regulations Senate Principles Application Conditions is followed and the ALES Quantitative Score must be a minimum of 70 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 675, new system GRE minimum 152).
● Undergraduate GPA minimum should be 2.4/4.0 (62.66/100).
● At the time of application, candidates will be asked to submit a letter of intent stating their intention to participate in the program to the institute.
Course Plan
8 Courses + 1 Seminar (SUS596E) + 1 Thesis (SUSYLT)
Upon completion of these courses the students will acquire a total of 120 ECTS and graduate. There are 8 courses which are 4 compulsory and 4 elective courses.
The list of compulsory courses is as follows:
SUS501E, SUS502E, SUS503E, SUS504E, SUS509E, EBT551E, EBT543E, GIT521E, BLG556E, IKT525E, CBM544E, CBM549E, YIP515E, ANT501E, YSB572E
Required elective courses can be taken from 195 programs offered at ITU LEE. The recommended elective courses are as follows:
IKE519E, TEK541E, BPL502E, MBL552E, BTT513E, CBM506E, EBT527E, ENB513E, HSK501E, CBM558E, CBM551E, MTO514E, SPL501E, EUT551E, EUT558E, YAP562E, IKE505E, EBT532E, ENB509E, YSB541E, ISS507E
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Academy & Industry Collaboration
Students of the Sustainability MSc. are encouraged to bridge the gap between industry and academy through their thesis. ITU has ongoing protocols signed with many industry stakeholders that students can benefit from. In addition, our students will be guided to do their thesis with international collaborations within the scope of the EELISA Project.