Community Talks to Increase the Awareness on Good Water Management


The coordinator of ITU Sustainability Office, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Borte Kose Mutlu gave several open speeches to various municipalities and high schools to teach good water management in the local communities. The open-access lecture notes can be also found here.[1]  (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yj-_-6MsMPIx8As6lU-OQQCTzloqU_aM/view?usp=sharing)


  • Education on water management-3
  • Education on water management-2
  • Education on water management

Content: Within the scope of the 'Sustainable City Week' organized by the Yalova Municipality, a panel titled 'What Size is Your Water Footprint?' was held, focusing on topics such as rainwater harvesting, the recovery of treated waters, and greywater treatment. The panel was attended by Yalova Deputy Mayor Bahaddin Erbay, Istanbul Technical University Environmental Engineering Department Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Börte Köse Mutlu, Yalova University Vice Chair of the Department of Energy Systems and Environmental Engineer Dr. Başak Karakurt Çevik, Electrical Electronics Engineer, YASKİ Union Presidency Director and Yalova Municipality Water and Sewerage Director Yasin Bıyıklı, Yalova OSB Environmental Engineer Okan Karaalioğlu, TEMA Volunteer Tanfer Dinler, Agricultural Writer and Futurist Mine Ataman, and local citizens. The expert speakers at the panel deeply discussed rainwater harvesting, the recovery of treated water, and greywater treatment, exploring solutions to these challenges. Participants at the event had the opportunity to learn about options for minimizing their water footprint through expert presentations and successful case studies. While the panel was ongoing, 2nd and 3rd-year painting students from Yalova University’s Faculty of Arts and Design created artwork inspired by the panel’s themes. Prior to the conference, Energy Systems Engineering students from Yalova University’s Faculty of Engineering performed water footprint calculations (measuring the amount of clean water resources polluted during all production stages of a product) for the attendees of the event.

November, 2023, can be accessed here

Youtube Talks to Increase the Awareness on Water Crisis

Borte Kose-Mutlu, who is an expert on sustainable cities and water footprint calculations, has given several talks on social media and Youtube to increase awareness on the water crisis and sustainability.

Content: The guest of the new episode of ITU Science and Technology Talks was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Börte Köse Mutlu, faculty member of ITU Environmental Engineering Department. Associate Professor Börte Köse Mutlu explained the popularization of sustainability and many curious things about sustainability for you.

It can be accessed here.

ITU Environmental Engineering Club Talks: “The Tears of Water”


Tears of Water is a civil society initiative carried out by ITU Environmental Engineering Club students since 2008. In this project, our students aim to create an environmental awareness in children at an early age. Therefore, they provide education to our young friends at primary schools, who are the future. They are the most important part of creating an environmentally-conscious society. Through collaborating with universities in different provinces, we reach out to other students in Turkey.
