Accessible facilities for people with disabilities
ITU has a Disabled Student Unit to make disabled students' educational life easier in terms of accessing faculty buildings and mentoring. An accessibility study report was prepared to analyze which measures could be implemented on the campus and buildings
to make disabled individuals' campus life easier. According to the conducted studies, tactile paving was laid on the main access routes. For disabled individuals, a voice guideline was implemented for some of the faculty buildings. The system helps
disabled individuals to find their way into the buildings. An app was developed for this purpose. ITU has also a Disabled Student Unit and it organizes some periodical activities for disabled students. The public link of ITU is given as Evidence 1.
ITU Impact Rankings Web Site
( -EN)
Loud steps app is given as Evidence 2.
A tactile paving photo is given as Evidence 3.
İTÜ Mobile App Emergence Button Photo

Sensory mapping of ITU Maslak Campus was studied in the 2021-2022 Spring semester of the "Universal Design in the Urban Environment" undergraduate elective course given at ITU Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning Department by Prof.Dr. Hatice Ayataç. This study is planned as a joint activity of ITU Barrier-Free and Accessible Campus commission and ITU Sustainability Office. The study aimed to define ITU Maslak Campus in 8 sub-regions and five senses, and to identify The Campus problems and potentials. 38 students were included in this study. The results were shared with Sustainability Office.