Learning food security and sustainable agriculture in ITU

Safe and Sustainable Food Commission of ITU has established a special event on World Food Day, which is open to the public and free so that interested local farmers and producers can participate. Graduates of the Food Engineering Department who are also local producers and entrepreneurs give speeches at the event. The next event “World Food Day: Future of Food Symposium” will be organized in 2023 together with FAO-Türkiye.
Every year, there are around 60 students who graduate from agriculture and aquaculture courses including sustainability aspects.
ITU welcomes local farmers and food producers
The Food Service System of ITU prefers to use products from local food sources. Additionally, members of the Food Engineering Department have worked in two collaborative research projects with the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies – Fruit Research Institute. Project topics include determination of quality criteria of agricultural products and supply chain-oriented determination of Breeding Goals.
Istanbul Technical University participates in developing the knowledge and skills of local farmers and food producers. ITU Food Engineering Department offers a comprehensive analytical and testing service to support the needs of the local farmers and food producers. The Department provides specific technical expertise and can organize special educational programs and workshops to fit the producers' needs. (Please click for services and laboratories.)
Additionally, ITU takes active roles in promoting technological advancement and innovation to generate startups and enhance the industrial sector with their project. (please click for projects , agriculture projects, a collaborative project.)
Moreover, ITU collaborated with Cargill and various stakeholders for Sustainable Agriculture.
Track Organic Food Waste in ITU
The consumption of food and water is affected by the campus population which varies in ITU due to its public facilities. Along with students and employees, many local people enter the university campuses throughout the day. Therefore, the food waste is greatly affected by the visitors’ activities.
The amount of Food Waste in Dining Halls Affiliated to the Catering Branch Directorate is 69590 kg per year.
The organic waste is separated at the source in the dining hall. Waste was transported from the TS to the Kısırmandıra Facility and/or Seymen Landfill. The Kısırmandıra Facility is an Integrated WM facility that encompasses both MRF and composting facilities. Food waste generated in Dining Halls sent to Kısırmandıra Facility.

the Kısırmandıra Facility (KF)
The amount of food waste in Dining Halls affiliated to the catering branch directorate is decreased in 2023. This is because various steps have been taken to ensure less packaged food consumption and reduce packaging waste is used.

The organic waste is separated at the source in the dining hall.

Separation also takes place in canteens.

Sustainable Energy Production Facility and source separation for the facility (Anaerobic Digestion for Food Waste).